Client Engagements & Services


Service Providers

North American Operator

  • Business case development
  • Independent outside advisor for M&A
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Market & penetration forecasts
  • Analysis of strategic options

North American Operator

  • Business case benchmarking
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Market & penetration forecasts
  • Analysis of strategic options

Central American Regulator

  • Economic analysis
  • 4G business case development
  • 4G spectrum valuation
  • Recommendations on regulatory policy

Latin American Operator

  • 4G technology and spectrum assessment.
  • 3G and 4G operator business plan development and analysis.
    Operator product and service offering advice.
  • RFQ for network equipment.
  • Recommendation on network equipment selection.

Central American Operator

  • Assessment of spectrum, backhaul and tower assets
  • Competitive analysis
  • 3G & 4G strategy development
  • 3G & 4G service offering definition
  • Business plan development
  • CapEx, OpEx and Investment analysis
  • RFQ for network equipment and recommendation on network equipment selection

West African Operator

  • Assessment of spectrum, backhaul and tower assets
  • Competitive analysis
  • 3G & 4G strategy development
  • 3G & 4G service offering definition
  • Business plan development
  • CapEx, OpEx and Investment analysis

South African Operator

  • Assessment of spectrum, backhaul and tower assets
  • Competitive analysis
  • 3G & 4G strategy development
  • 3G & 4G service offering definition
  • Business plan development
  • CapEx, OpEx and Investment analysis

Central African Operator

  • Assessment of spectrum, backhaul and tower assets
  • Competitive analysis
  • 3G and 4G strategy development
  • WiMAX™ service transitioning analysis
  • Business plan development
  • CapEx, OpEx and Investment analysis

Middle Eastern Operator

  • Assessment of spectrum, backhaul and tower assets
  • Competitive analysis
  • 4G strategy development
  • 4G technology selection
  • Business plan development
  • CapEx, OpEx and Investment analysis
  • 4G Vendor Selection and RFQ Administration

Middle Eastern Operator

  • Definition and assessment of the desired coverage area
  • Assessment of spectrum, backhaul and tower assets
  • Competitive analysis
  • WiMAX™ service offering definition
  • Business plan development
  • CapEx, OpEx and Investment analysis
  • Network Rollout analysis & Planning

Chinese Service Provider

  • Assessment of spectrum, backhaul and tower assets
  • Competitive analysis
  • Broadband Wireless strategy development
  • Service offering definition
  • Business plan development
  • CapEx, OpEx and Investment analysis
  • Strategic and Join Venture partnership development

European Operator

  • Assessment of spectrum assets
  • 4G strategy development
  • 4G service offering definition
  • Business plan development
  • CapEx, OpEx and Investment analysis
  • Assistance in vendor selection

Eastern European Operator

  • Assessment of spectrum assets
  • WiMAX™ strategy development
  • WiMAX™ service offering definition
  • Business plan development
  • CapEx, OpEx and Investment analysis
  • Assistance in vendor selection

Canadian Operator

  • Business case development
  • Independent outside advisor for Spectrum
  • RAN sharing analysis, including OpEx and CapEx savings analysis
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Market & penetration forecasts
  • Analysis of strategic options

Venture Capital Firm

  • Portfolio analysis.
  • Advise on investments in WiMAX™ Networks.
  • Due diligence.


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Media Contact:

Robin Bestel




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